In an infinite universe, even the impossible is possible.
These are the incohearent and badly spelled ramblings of one jimmy the leg, semi-professional crank, and one or more of his friends.
Here will be found musings on politics, music, baseball, and whatever else is bothering our feeble little minds.
If you like it tell your friends, if you don't, keep your opinions to yourself
08 November 2011
In-State Tuition, What Does It Really Mean?
Nope it is the Professors and Administrators at State Run Colleges and Universities.
How? Because it assures them of bodies in the seats down the road. With the continued drop in birth rates among legal Americans of all types (except Muzzies) the future was getting dark for State Schools. So Presto Chango here you go. More Students!! Yea! More bodies to lie to, to brainwash, to register as Donks!!!
That is all
Why I Believe Mittens Isn't The RIGHT Choice.
The resurgence of Conservatism that we are still experiencing started with the signing of a bill that had to be passed so that we knew what was in it.
ObamaCare got it's start here! With Mitten's "collaborator and friend" Senator Swimmer.
This will be the stone that the Media ties around the necks of EVERY conservative who will be running in state and local elections next November. They will talk about the need to REPEAL ObamaCare, and their opponents and the MBM will keep harping on the fact that the man at the top of the ticket believes in the same thing.
AND it is the same thing, it is a system that tells people that they have to have insurance, it fines businesses that don't "help" their employees get insurance and it HAS NOT brought down the cost of medicine in Massachusetts.
The coattails will not reach down, because they are not there. The media will make sure of that.
If Mittens is the nominee not only do I think that the SCoaMF will be re-elected, I think that there will be a Donk House and Senate for him to continue to destroy America.
I hope I'm wrong.
04 November 2011
A Rant
Well I guess it is time to just throw up our hands and say "Okay Mittens the crown is yours".
Look it is still early enough in the race to hire new people who will do a better job of jumping thru the flaming hoops of media lies.
This is fixable.
RomneyCare isn't.
Instate tuition for illegal aliens isn't.
The Nasty McBotox couch advertisement is. Maybe!
This is the time to fix the last 8 years of out of control government and those guys aren't the way to do it.
There Is No There There!
This morning The Washington Times ran this perfect piece about the innuendo and lies in this High Tech Lynching.
And now we know it really is just Sturm und Drang signifying nothing!
23 August 2011
A Braindead Tie!
Ronald Reagan • William F. Buckley, Jr. • Antonin Scalia • Sarah Palin • Edwin Meese • The Koch Brothers • Clarence Thomas • Rush Limbaugh • Sean Hannity • Mark Levin.
Read the piece to read the Paultard "reasons", as weak as they are.
Hey but he hates the Federal Reserve, so everything is okay, right?
His anti-semitism, who care?
His anti-military stands, who cares?
His 9/11 trutherism, who cares?
Well frankly, I do.
Okay, I back!!