Dear soon to be Minority Party Leadership;
This letter is in response to the TV ads that you are running in the Rhode Island Republican Primary race.
Great Job!!
Yea, let us keep defending Senator Chafee, while attacking his primary opponent, great plan, who thought it up Howard Dean????
Now don't get me wrong, I don't think that Mayor Laffey is the second coming of Ronald Reagan, in fact, I'm not even sure he is a moderate Republican, but let the race gain some momentum before jumping in.
This is Rhode Island, the State that declared independence from England two whole months before the rest of the colonies signed that wonderful paper in Philadelphia. We also refused to ratify the Constitution until every other state had. We are a very contrarian lot, and we do not usually take kindly to outside interests getting involved in our politics.
Heck, we don't like it when someone from a different city or town makes a statement or writes a letter critical of something a different city or town is doing politically.
My biggest complaint is the blind defense of Sen. Chafee.
He doesn't deserve it, especially from a national party standpoint. He has been as close to the textbook definition of a RINO, (I don't have to tell you what that means, do I?) as one can get.
The President has been unable to expect help from this man, who wrote in the President's father's name in the last election, on many issues.
Please reconsider getting so heavily involved, unless there is someone there who wants to see RI Sec of State Matt Brown, a true wing nut lefty, in the US Senate.
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